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Illegal strike in a sentence

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Sentence count:10Posted:2024-09-20Updated:2024-09-20
Similar words: general strikesurgical strikelegal statusillegalillegallyillegal actillegalityillegal entry
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1. Instigates other employees to conduct an illegal strike or conduct an act of negligence that leads to major losses for the Company.
2. Management are seeking a show-down with the unions on the issue of illegal strikes.
3. What penalties can be imposed on teachers who engage in an illegal strike?
4. A number of state laws describe penalties that may be imposed on teachers or organization officials who engage in an illegal strike.
5. What is the point of a legal framework if companies can not get a court injunction to stop illegal strike action?
6. There is a clear distinction between lawful protest and illegal strike action.
7. And norms in the legal recognition of workers right to strike, to prevent the illegal strike, not only conducive to the maintenance of labor rights of workers, but also conducive to social stability.
7. try its best to gather and make good sentences.
8. The Reserve Bank of India ( RBI ) denounced it as an illegal strike.
9. PATCO arose out of a Federal Labor Relations Authority proceeding to decertify a union of air traffic controllers that had led its members in an illegal strike against the government.
10. There was also, in Reagan's first year, his response to an illegal strike by federal air traffic controllers.
More similar words: general strikesurgical strikelegal statusillegalillegallyillegal actillegalityillegal entryillegal possessionstrike it richstrikestrikerlegal systemstrikeoutstrike upstrike forstrike outstrike instrike offstrike zonestrike oilstrike downstrike dumblegal sanctionlegal sentencestrike a notecall a strikestrike hardstrike homestrike back
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